GEOINFORMATICS RESEARCH PAPERS, publ. BS3005, doi:10.2205/2015IUGG-RU-IAG, 2015

National Report for the IAG of the IUGG 2011–2014

Edited by V. P. Savinykh and V. I. Kaftan


In this National Report are given major results of researches conducted by Russian geodesists in 2011–2014 on the topics of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). This report is prepared by the Section of Geodesy of the National Geophysical Committee of Russia. In the report prepared for the XXVI General Assembly of IUGG (Czhech Republic, Prague, 22 June – 2 July 2015), the results of principal researches in geodesy, geodynamics, gravimetry, in the studies of geodetic reference frame creation and development, Earth’s shape and gravity field, Earth's rotation, geodetic theory, its application and some other directions are briefly described. For some objective reasons not all results obtained by Russian scientists on the problems of geodesy are included in the report.

Published 18 June 2015.

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Citation: Savinykh V.P., V.I. Kaftan Eds. (2015), National Report for the IAG of the IUGG 2011–2014, Geoinf. Res. Papers, 3, BS3005, GCRAS Publ., Moscow, 99 pp. doi:10.2205/2015IUGG-RU-IAG