Book of Abstracts of the
International Conference
"Data Intensive System Analysis for Geohazard Studies"

Table of Contents

Edited by E. Kedrov


This volume contains the materials of the International Conference "Data Intensive System Analysis for Geohazard Studies", held on 18–21 July 2016 in Rosa Khutor village, Adler district of the city of Sochi in Russia.

The Conference was organized by the Geophysical Center RAS; the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA, Austria). The co-organizers of the Conference were: Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA, ICSU); Centre national d`études spatiales (CNES, France); International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA); Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of the Russian Federation; International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG); Russian Foundation for Basic Research; Russian Academy of Sciences; National University of Science and Technology "MISiS"; National Geophysical Committee of RAS; CSA innovative group.

The Conference brought together research scientists, observers, computer experts, practitioners, technical end-users and decision makers concerned with monitoring of the Earth's environment, detection of hazards, data analysis and modeling, vulnerability and risk assessment. More than 140 scientists and specialists from 14 countries (Austria, Finland, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, UK, USA, Uzbekistan) have participated in the Conference.

The Conference was devoted to implementation of Systems Analysis embracing a sophisticated data analysis and holistic Earth science approach in order to get comprehensive information on the phenomena of different degrees of hazard and on the multi-scale extremes. The topics, discussed during the Conference, included to observations, detection of and modeling geophysical extremes; development, implementation and maintenance of methods and instruments for monitoring; evolution of natural systems towards extreme conditions; assessment of global- and local-scale hazardous phenomena; challenges in data processing and analysis using pattern recognition, statistical and other methods relevant to large data processing; applications of geo-databases and GIS.

The scientific program of the Conference included the following sessions:


Published 14 July 2016

Citation: Kedrov E., Editor (2016), Book of Abstracts of the International Conference "Data Intensive System Analysis for Geohazard Studies". Geoinf. Res. Papers Ser., 4, BS4002, doi:10.2205/2016BS00Sochi.