GEOINFORMATICS RESEARCH PAPERS, publ. BS1001, doi:10.2205/2023-Atlas-cc, 2023
Gvishiani A. D., Rozenberg I. N., Soloviev A. A., Kostianoy A. G., Gvozdik S. A., Serykh I. V., Krasnoperov R. I., Sazonov N. V., Dubchak I. A., Popov A. B., Kostianaya E. A., Gvozdik G. A.
To construct the fields of hydrometeorological parameters, we used the data of a retrospective analysis (reanalysis) modern era for research and applications version 2 (Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications Version 2 – MERRA-2) for the period 1980-2021. for the region of the western part of the Russian Arctic (60°–75° N, 30°–85° E). Monthly and daily average data were used on a regular grid of 0.5° in latitude and 0.625° in longitude for the period 1980–2021 Additionally, monthly average data of air temperature and wind speed from the reanalysis were used. National Center for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research United States (NCEP/NCAR) on a 2.5° × 2.5° grid for the period 1950–2021, as well as average monthly precipitation data for the same period from the PRECipitation REConstruction over Land (PREC/L) model presented in grid 1°×1°. Based on these models, grid values were calculated for each of the parameters for different time epochs, which were then loaded into the GIS environment and converted into geospatial data layers to prepare individual maps and subsequent inclusion in this atlas. The atlas includes the following hydrometeorological parameters: air temperature at the earth's surface; total rainfall; wind speed at the earth's surface; soil temperature; soil moisture content; air humidity and snow cover thickness.
Published 11 July 2023.
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Citation: Gvishiani, A. D., Rozenberg I. N., Soloviev A. A., Kostianoy A. G., Gvozdik S. A., Serykh I. V., Krasnoperov R. I., Sazonov N. V., Dubchak I. A., Popov A. B., Kostianaya E. A., Gvozdik G. A. (2023), Atlas of climatic changes of the main hydrometeorological parameters of the western part of the Russian Arctic for the period 1950–2021. // Geoinformatics Research Papers, 11(1), 467,
Цитирование: Гвишиани, А. Д., Розенберг И. Н., Соловьев А. А., Костяной А. Г., Гвоздик С. А., Серых И. В., Красноперов Р. И., Сазонов Н. В., Дубчак И. А., Попов А. Б., Костяная Е. А., Гвоздик Г. А. Атлас климатических изменений основных гидрометеорологических параметров западной части российской Арктики за период 1950–2021 гг. // Исследования по геоинформатике: труды геофизического центра РАН. 2023, т. 11, № 1, 467 с.
Copyright 2023 by the Geophysical Center RAS.