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DOI: 10.2205/2013BS011_Atlas_MPZ

ISBN: 978-5-904509-13-2

English Russian

The Atlas of the Earth's Magnetic Field

The Atlas of the Earth's Magnetic Field represents a unified set of physical, geographic, thematic, and historical materials for a detailed study of the geomagnetic field from 1500 to 2010. The Atlas is intended for a wide range of scientists, teachers, students and experts in applied areas relating to the geosciences, including geologists and geophysicists studying geomagnetism. The Atlas is a unique cartographic product that contains comprehensive and scientifically grounded characteristics of geomagnetic phenomenon, and contains the results of historical and modern studies of the Earth's magnetic field.

This publication is the updated version of the Atlas, previously published in Russian.

Citation: Soloviev, A., A. Khokhlov, E. Jalkovsky, A. Berezko, A. Lebedev, E. Kharin, I. Shestopalov, M. Mandea, V. Kuznetsov, T. Bondar, J. Mabie, M. Nisilevich, V. Nechitailenko, A. Rybkina, O. Pyatygina, A. Shibaeva (2013), The Atlas of the Earth's Magnetic Field (Eds.: A. Gvishiani, A. Frolov, V. Lapshin). Publ. GC RAS, Moscow, 361 pp, doi:10.2205/2013BS011_Atlas_MPZ.

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