GEOINFORMATICS RESEARCH PAPERS, publ. BS1001, doi:10.2205/2013BS008, 2013
Article Map
Evolution models for geomedical statistics
- Figure 1. The Maltus law. The population size is seen to grow up if the...
- Figure 2. The logistic curve for $\mu>0$. The population size is seen to...
- Figure 3. The logistic curve for $\mu<0$. In this case the population size...
- Figure 4. A stationary distribution over ages.
- Figure 5. Growth of population in Russia before 1990.
- Figure 6. Growth of population in Russia past 1990.
Citation: Lushnikov A. A., A. D. Gvishiani, Yu. S. Lyubovtseva, A. A. Makosko (2013), Evolution models for geomedical statistics, Geoinf. Res. Papers, BS1001, doi:10.2205/2013BS008.
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