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Welcome to the GCRAS publication!

The Geoinformatics Research Papers series publishes original research papers dealing with all disciplines of geoinformatics related to Earth Sciences including ecology, human dimensions vs global change with the emphasis on multidisciplinary investigations in all geospheres and near space.

The GRP series will cover all stages of research chain – from observations and data acquisition through data processing and analysis to the modern technologies of science records – all in line with the Fourth Paradigm for science (i.e. data-intensive scientific discovery).

The main purpose of the GRP series is to provide the scientific community with the most important scientific results obtained by the Russian scientists. Articles submitted by foreign scientists or international authors teams are highly encouraged, especially studies of general problems of geoinformatics and their application to researches under international projects.

Preferred format of publications matches the CrossRef category Reports and working-papers. The GRP series will include reports and working-papers related to all areas of Geoinformatics in wide sense, including scientific and technical reviews, educational materials as well as reports to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics on scientific results and activity in Russia.

Regular papers and books in this series will be published using most modern electronic publishing technologies, including multimedia and interactive content. Papers will be published in English or Russian with titles, abstracts, contents, and some other crucial elements in both languages.

The basic output formats are HTML5, PDF, and EPUB3.

A. Soloviev
 © Geophysical Center RAS